Something I thought about:

  • Like many people, this week has been about riding the vibe shift. This timeline is overwhelming — both in terms of what is happening and the velocity of those changes — it’s hard to process everything and even harder to stay grounded. I’ve been enjoying the new sense hope and good energy while also getting through the usual day to day stuff.

Something I did:

  • Continued to redo my planning/organizational methods
  • Usual PMing and meetings
  • Attended one of the Harris Zooms
  • Went to my company’s All Hands meeting
  • As part of the All Hands meeting, we gathered some place-based data, and my group went to nine different book, music, and comic book stores in Boston and Cambridge

Something I read:

  • Saudade: Our Longing for Brazil by Ana Crespo and André Ceolin
  • Being Home by Traci Sorell and Michaela Goade
  • Started the next (and final!) Wolf Hall trilogy slow read, The Mirror & the Light
  • Kept going with my War and Peace slow read