December 10, 2022
Something I thought about:
- My defense was on Friday so most of the week was packed trying to stay in a calm head space for that — I still taught on Thursday and had grading to do. I kept things as routine as possible while also trying to prep. The week was honestly too busy for me to get stressed — and except for a rushed morning because of a surprise snowfall, everything went as well as possible.
Something I did:
- Wrote two talks
- Got a Christmas tree and decorated
- Met with four students about their portfolios
- Defended my dissertation and received a distinction of summa cum laude!
- Presented a second paper on the day of my defense at a mini-symposium on Bishop
- Hung out with my committee and played tour guide – we visited the Château de Chillon (pictured above) among other things.
Something I read:
…the work of caring as I’ve come to understand it has also hinged upon a kind of curiosity. To be curious about my students and my children means to care deeply about the world around us.
- On reading slowly. I have to admit, I am a book devourer. But I am also a rereader. I race through books to get the plot, and then, for certain books, I immediately go back to p. 1 and read slowly to appreciate the craft.