September 10, 2022
Something I thought about:
- I started to think through colloque (private defense) prep — mostly in the form of making lists and planning out what I want to review and think through. The pace is different now that the big writing push is over (for now at least), so I’m trying to figure out how to recalibrate and keep moving forward while also resting, recovering, and setting up for the fall term.
Something I did:
- Light colloque prep.
- Fall course prep — a lot of logistical items, like updating the course Moodle and course documents, etc.
- Worked on a paper.
- Caught up on email.
- Went on a boat tour of Lac Léman one afternoon.
- Went to an incredible women’s football game. Switzerland won 15-0. The child was in raptures.
Something I read:
- Dirtbag, Massachusetts: A Confessional by Isaac Fitzgerald