April 8, 2023
Something I thought about:
- I had a paper revision due, so my brain was mostly in revision mode as I was trying to take comments and edits and make them my own. This is something that I talk to students about all the time — editors are great at identifying issues, but their solutions aren’t always exactly right for your text, and your job as a writer is to identify the underlying issue the editor is trying to address and to resolve it in a way that works for your piece and your style. My revision ended up taking a turn that surprised me, and I had to really think through it.
Something I did:
- Tried to catch up post-child illness.
- Turned in a paper revision.
- Taught.
- Kept working on our Diverse Verse National Poetry Month series. My post went up this week.
Something I read:
- I always enjoy Isaac Fitzgerald’s Walk It Off interviews and really liked his conversation with (2023 Guggenheim Fellow!) James Hannaham.