Something I thought about:

  • This was a bit of a weird, in-between week. I spent last weekend at a work retreat — in Boston so I didn’t travel beyond relocating to a hotel for the weekend — and I’m about to head to a conference, so it felt pretty transitional. I was catching up and prepping and trying to get things ready for everyone else and for myself. I’ve barely traveled since moving a year ago. I went to the Kweli conference in NYC; otherwise, I’ve been home and trying as hard as possible to settle into this place. But I’ve also traveled a lot over the years, so it feels like switching brains from homebody to wanderer.

Something I did:

  • Finished up the company’s All Hands meeting with a hackathon, an afternoon of brainstorming and meetings, and then a company + family trip to a Red Sox vs. Yankees baseball game
  • Project PMing
  • Ran a lot of internal meetings
  • Finished up the most hectic two weeks of summer camp logistics
  • Prepped for DH 2024
  • Had dinner with the neighborhood mums
  • Had a visit from a friend who was in town for a few days

Something I read:

  • Continued my slow reads: The Mirror & the Light and War and Peace
  • Black Girl You Are Atlas by Renée Watson and Ekua Holmes