Something I thought about:

  • I’ve been trying to decrease activation energy wherever possible. Last week I rearranged my office to get my craft materials within reach. Then I wrote out where I was getting stuck with various writing projects, and it’s really about having too many setup steps — projects in too many different places, notebooks, files. So I’ve been consolidating everything. Now my craft projects are organized and portable, and I’ve managed to organize the two writing projects I want to tackle first. Just in time to start chauffering the child to after school activities again!

Something I did:

  • Started back to school prep with the child
  • Weeded clothes and shoes from both of our closets to donate
  • A lot of meetings, proposal writing, and various other PMing
  • Planted some seeds and repotted some plants

Something I read:

  • War and Peace slow read chapters
  • Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway
  • The Garden Against Time: In Search of a Common Paradise by Olivia Laing