May 27, 2023

May 27, 2023

Something I thought about:

  • I went to Boston this week, and the trip was packed. It would’ve been easy to get overwhelmed, but I managed to keep a tight focus on just getting through the next thing, and it was fine. I haven’t been to Boston since March 2020 and was expecting it to feel different, but Cambridge still felt like Cambridge, and everything was weirdly familiar. I was surprised at how easy it was to slip back into life there — but perhaps that’s because it was so busy and I was staying with a friend and then family.

Something I did:

  • Traveled to Boston.
  • Looked at houses.
  • Talked to a lot of people.
  • Went to ALA and heard some great papers.
  • Presented “Elizabeth Bishop’s Queer Phenomenology” on one of the two Elizabeth Bishop Society panels.

Something I read: