Something I thought about:

  • We moved in September, and by the end of October, we were pretty unpacked and settled. Except for what we intended to be the guest room: we filled that room with boxes of “What do we do with this?” “*shrug*” But we had our first overnight guests this week, which meant we had to deal with those boxes and set up that room. And we did. Over the course of two weeks, we sorted, assembled furniture, and unpacked between work, end of school events, and the usual. We finished 36 hours before my parents arrived and fairly wrecked ourselves doing it. But sometimes you just need a deadline. And a good deal of stubbornness. And now it’s done.

Something I did:

  • Celebrated Father’s Day with a picnic at deCordova and a trip to Ponyhenge
  • Finished unpacking and setup — so much organizing and cleaning
  • Worked for two days
  • Had a surprise water main break on our street, which meant no water one afternoon
  • Hosted my parents for a few days
  • Invited their friends over for a small party
  • Watched more soccer.

Something I read:

  • Whose Body by Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L. Sayers
  • Byron: A Life in Ten Letters by Andrew Stauffer
  • Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs